Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment in Millbury, MA
Now In Network with BCBS of MA

Counseling Services For Substance Use And Behavioral Health Near Northbridge

When you need outpatient treatment for substance use and co-occurring conditions near Northbridge, turn to your friends at The Counseling Center. Our therapies follow a personal approach, so you can participate in important group and individual therapies around your everyday life and responsibilities. Our understanding staff and personalized methods of treatment make The Counseling Center your preferred place for outpatient treatment, co-occurring mental health treatment, and other services related to long-lasting sobriety.

Take A Step Forward With Alcohol And Drug Therapy On Praesum’s Continuum Of Care

The Counseling Center is one section of Praesum Healthcare’s network of addiction treatment services that compose our continuum of care to guide your recovery. Since 2004, we have forged ahead in its mission to give skilled, personalized addiction services at our accredited centers. Our belief is that you have a higher chance of beating drug or alcohol use when treatment is directed to your unique needs.

As a large part of the Praesum network, The Counseling Center At Millbury helps you with substance use and mental health outpatient therapies near Northbridge. Patients typically advance into our care after finishing alcohol or drug detox and ensuing inpatient rehab programs. We help you build a healthier life with evidence-based therapies that target co-occurring disorders usually present with drug and alcohol use. Separating The Counseling Center from residential care, you get to schedule sessions around your work and family commitments and are able to go home at night.


Find The Right Intensive Outpatient Program For You Near Northbridge

The Counseling Center offers several outpatient programs that allow you to accomplish your recovery goals. Each program will give you a better understanding of substance dependencies and co-occurring disorders, improve your mental health, and avert relapse. Subsequent to a full behavioral and medical assessment, our expert personnel will help you figure out which program is right for you.

counselor talking with a patient inside an office setting

Intensive Outpatient Program

Get expert alcohol and drug use treatment and still do your work and home responsibilities in our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in Northbridge. If you’ve finished residential detox or rehab and need to progress further in your recovery, an intensive outpatient program is a great plan. Your plan may have a minimum of three group sessions and one individual session.

Drug And Alcohol Use And Mental Health Outpatient Program

When you are placed in the Outpatient Programs (OP) at The Counseling Center, you’ll get various treatments to support your rehab that address any related mental health disorders. Patients in the outpatient program typically participate in shorter group therapy meetings three times per week. Any individual and family sessions will be organized to fit your schedule.

Partial Hospitalization Program

Get the highest type of outpatient counseling with the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) near Northbridge. Consisting of different forms of counseling, PHP has supervised treatment for five hours a day, five days per week. The idea is to maintain your mental stability and stop a backslide while giving you the opportunity to go home every night.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

The Counseling Center’s medical experts could prescribe Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) if withdrawal symptoms are a threat to derail your recovery. We can prescribe approved medications when needed.

The Different Outpatient Therapies Near Northbridge

To help you progress through recovery, The Counseling Center offers the following therapies and treatments:

  • Individual Counseling: Learn your triggers regarding drug or alcohol use and work on your mental health under the guidance of a licensed therapist in a private setting.
  • Group Counseling: Enjoy support from other patients who are working through the same stage of recovery. You’ll attend group therapy with a trained therapist and no more than 15 people.
  • Family Counseling: Recovery from addiction involves not only you, but your family and partners. A counselor can help family members handle the challenges of substance use recovery while encouraging improved communication and trust.
patient with a counselor

Move Into A More Sober Life With Skilled Mental Health Treatment Near Northbridge

The Counseling Center understands the link between alcohol and drug use and mental health issues. We gently help you find and deal with the co-occurring disorders or trauma that may play a part in alcohol and drug use and hinders a long-lasting recovery. We’ll assist you with:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • ADHD
  • Obsessive-compulsive behaviors
  • Bipolar disorders

Our clinicians tailor treatment to your unique circumstances as an aspect of our individualized care. They utilize a range of therapy methods, like:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Trauma-informed therapy
  • Motivational interviewing

These differing therapies will help you confront your mental health barriers and learn the coping skills you will require to recover from substance use disorder. Along with counseling, our expert psychologists are able to prescribe medication to help you deal with certain disorders. We also conduct life skills instruction to help you manage everyday life and promote a more content, productive life without substance dependence.

a patient in a group therapy session writing on a clipboard

Need Outpatient Substance Use Treatment Near Northbridge? Reach Out Today!

Are you looking for mental health treatment as you so you can better overcome alcohol and drug addiction? Reach out to The Counseling Center At Millbury at 508-433-3866 or send in the form to find the services you need. Our staff replies to all questions promptly, at any time. We are here to help you.